RCA Telegram News California - Von der Leyen backs Dutch FM Hoekstra for EU climate post

Von der Leyen backs Dutch FM Hoekstra for EU climate post
Von der Leyen backs Dutch FM Hoekstra for EU climate post / Photo: Ranu Abhelakh - AFP/File

Von der Leyen backs Dutch FM Hoekstra for EU climate post

EU chief Ursula von der Leyen gave her backing Tuesday to the Dutch foreign minister to fill a vacant post on the European Commission, saying Wopke Hoekstra would take up a climate brief.

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The commission president announced that she had interviewed Hoekstra and would now propose that EU member states and the European Parliament formally approve his candidacy.

"Mr Hoekstra showed strong motivation for the post and great commitment to the European Union. He also has relevant professional experience for this post," von der Leyen said in a statement.

The Dutch government nominated Hoekstra for the commission last week, after the Netherlands' previous commissioner Frans Timmermans stepped down to return to national politics.

Timmermans had been a powerful executive vice president on the commission, in charge of overseeing the ambitious climate pact known as the European Green Deal.

That job has passed to Slovakia's commissioner Maros Sefcovic, but von der Leyen said the Dutch conservative could serve under him as the official in charge of "climate action".

If approved by MEPs and member state leaders, Hoekstra would serve until at least May next year, when a new commission will be built after the European Parliament elections.

He may not face an easy ride during the confirmation process, however, as the hawkish Dutch foreign minister ruffled many feathers in southern Europe in his previous role at the finance ministry.

Italy and Greece were offended by his tough stance on fiscal discipline, and Portugal was outraged when he suggested that southern countries should have saved more before the Covid-19 pandemic.

He can expect tough questioning from the left and from Mediterranean MEPs but von der Leyen, a fellow right-winger, defended his stance on the need for action on climate -- the core of his new brief.

"His governmental experience will be a strong asset in particular for Europe's climate diplomacy in the run-up to COP28 and for climate finance," she said.

"Mr Hoekstra stressed during the interview his commitment to continuing an ambitious climate policy and to maintaining a social balance in all necessary joint efforts on the road to climate neutrality."
